The Artist's View
J.P. was an artist that approached creating art as much more than simply making a frivolous trinket, or as a means of pleasing the general public with a marketable commodity.
His quoted expressions best express his feeling of appreciation and responsibility that he held in being known as ‘A Western Artist.’
He would say of himself, “I was born a hundred years too late”. As his growing up years were in a culture that predated the time, he experienced a lifestyle that was actually common a century earlier.
“Seems I was always searching for something, traveling over seventeen western states, oft times on hose back dragging a bed mule”. “I hobbied at art and oft times got purty fair prices for it, but what was over that ridge to th’ North always interested me more.” But the day arrived when he came to believe, “Reckon a man will never have nothin’ till he uses his God given talents as they were intended.”
And so, it was in 1968 that JP ‘turned all holds loose’ and set about to make it as a Western Artist. He would express his view that “I have a story to tell and record for future generations that will never see our old West.”
His sculptures display historical and anatomical correctness. His attention to detail creates a mood, displays action, and expresses the beauty he saw in all things, wildlife, women, men, and horses.
Over the years, many have obtained his art for their respective collections. JP would express that ‘selling’ his work was not his talent, but he gained great pleasure in ‘sharing’ it with those that had an appreciation for his work. This gallery is a photo representation of a few of his two hundred plus works of art and enables you to enjoy this gift he provided.
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